Case Study Name | Media | Study Type | Technology | Peer Reviewed | Publication Date |
Hunter Point Shipyard | Porewater | In situ | Accumulation | Yes | March 2012 |
Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site | Sediment | Other | Equilibration | No | December 2021 |
PFAS Bench-Scale Study | Groundwater, Surface Water | Bench-Scale Comparison Study | Grab Sampler | No | January 2024 |
Indoor Air Post Mitigation | Indoor Air | Indoor air monitoring using passive sampling | Accumulation | No | August 2019 |
Indoor Air Quality Assessment Report | Indoor Air | Site investigation with passive sampling | Accumulation | No | March 2015 |
Industrial Site in Midwest, US | Soil Gas | Comparison study | Accumulation | No | January 2009 |
Inorganics in Sediment Porewater | Sediment Pore Water | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | Yes | April 2023 |
Kansas Small Arid Landfills | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Grab | No | October 2006 |
Laboratory and Field Testing at DoD Sites | Indoor/Outdoor Air, Soil Gas | Side-by-side Study | Accumulation | No | May 2015 |
Lake Niapenco | Sediment Pore Water, Surface Water | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | Yes | May 2023 |
Lower Passaic River, New Jersey | In situ sediment porewater and water column vs. fish | In situ | Equilibration | Yes | April 2019 |
Newark Bay | Surface Water, Air | In situ | Equilibration | Yes | September 2017 |
Paint Chips in the Presence of Sediment | Sediment mixed with paint chips | Ex situ | Equilibration | Yes | January 2022 |
Low-Flow Sampling for PFAS | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | No | April 2021 |
Marque River, Northern France | Surface Water | Side-by-side Study | Accumulation | Yes | July 2017 |
Massachusetts Military Reserve (MMR) | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | No | 2005 |
McClellan Air Force Base, California | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Grab | No | 2005 |
McCormick and Baxter Creosoting Company, Superfund Site, California | Groundwater | N/A | Accumulation | No | April 2010 |
Miller Valley Road and Hillside Avenue WQRF, Prescott, Arizona | Soil Gas, Groundwater | Source Zone investigation | Accumulation | Yes | July 2008 |
Pilot Test Report, California | Soil Gas | Site Characterization | Accumulation | No | April 2021 |
Multistory Car Park | Indoor and Outdoor Air | Single Method | Accumulation | Yes | June 2015 |
Naval Industrial Reserve Ordinance Plant and Naval Air Station | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | No | 2002 |
Nonpassive Discrete Sampler | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Grab | No | August 2002 |
Puget Sound | Sediment Pore Water | Other | Equilibration | Yes | February 2022 |
Three Marine Superfund Sites | Water Column | In situ | Equilibration and Accumulation | Yes | August 2015 |
PFAS in Groundwater White Paper | Groundwater | Summary | Equilibration | No | July 2022 |
Port of Oakland, California | Outdoor Air | Side-by-side Study | Accumulation | Yes | November 2013 |
Private Consultant Sites in Indiana | Groundwater | Implementation for LTM | Grab | No | 2009 - Present |
RCRA Facility, California | Soil Gas | Site Characterization | Accumulation | No | September 2017 |
Santa Ana River Basin, Peterson AFB. Ohio River, and Ellsworth AFB | Groundwater and Surface Water | Grab/Side-by-side Study | Accumulation | Yes | Fall 2023 |
Sewage Authority, Linden, NJ | Surface Water | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | No | 2003 |
Stringfellow Hazardous Waste Site | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Grab | No | July 2009 |
Surface Water Quality Monitoring at Treatment Plants | Surface Water | Example | Equilibration | Yes | May 2023 |
U.S. DOE & Navy Site | Indoor and Outdoor Air | Routine indoor air monitoring report | Accumulation | Yes | October 2023 |
Vandenberg Space Force Base | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Accumulation | No | October 2022 |
Automotive Repair Parcels in City of Industry, California | Soil gas | Subsurface investigation | Accumulation | Yes | January 2023 |
Black River | Surface Water | Example | Equilibration | Yes | 1993 |
California Landfill Site | Soil gas | Site Characterization | Accumulation | No | April 2021 |
Central Pennsylvania Wetlands | Surface Water | Side-by-side Study | Accumulation | Yes | September 2021 |
Contaminated Sediment Sites | Sediment porewater, surface water, flux | Review Article | Equilibration | Yes | June 2023 |
DOD Aberdeen Proving Ground & Picatinny Arsenal | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | No | September 2010 |
DGT Use for Metals in Water | Water | Review | Accumulation | Yes | July 2017 |
DGT Use for Organic Compounds in Water | Water | Review | Accumulation | Yes | September 2021 |
Department of Water Resources (DWR) Sacramento, California | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Grab | No | December 2007 |
Former Coffee Processing Facility, Brownsfields Site | Soil Gas | Source Investigation | Accumulation | No | N/A |
Former Dry Cleaners, Waterloo | Indoor air | Site Characterization | Accumulation | No | January 2022 |
Former Dry Cleaning Site | Soil Gas | Delineation | Accumulation | No | January 2021 |
Former McClellan Air Force Base | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | Yes | 1999 |
Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites | Sediments | Side-by-side Study | Accumulation | No | January 2007 |
Formerly Used Defense Sites | Groundwater | N/A | Accumulation | Yes | August 2019 |
Fuel Storage Terminal, Northeastern US | Soil Gas | Plume Delineation | Accumulation | Yes | February 2024 |
GHD Site | LNAPL in Soil | Other | Grab | No | Unpublished |
GHD Site, British Columbia | Soil Gas | Other | Accumulation | No | Unpublished |
NonPassive Syringe Sampler | Groundwater, Porewater | N/A | Nonpassive Syringe Sampler | Yes | Nov-Dec 2007 |
Missouri River Alluvial Aquifer | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Grab | No | 2013 |
Groundwater Monitoring at Former Naval Air Station | Groundwater | Side-by-side Study | Equilibration | Yes | Sept 2020 |
Grasse River, New York GAC Treatment for PCB Bioavailability | Water Column, Pore Water | In Situ and Ex Situ | Equilibration | Yes | June 2013 |